Compare agents performance in your suburb

We've pulled together all the property sales data for the last 12 months to help you compare prices, time on market, agents commission, current listing by property type and even what languages are spoken by agent to help you learn a bit more about what to expect when selling in your suburb.

Search agent performance by suburb

Compare time it takes to sell by suburb.

We've pulled together a set of sales data from over the last 12 months, including how much long it takes, on average, to sell a property in over 15,000 suburbs across Australia. You can get an idea of how long it will take to sell your property in your area.

Compare average sale price by suburb.

Looking to sell a specific type of property in a certain suburb? We've split out the average sale price per property type, including houses, units, land and townhouse. You can get an idea of how much your house, unit, apartment or land will sell for in your suburb.

Compare average commissions by suburb.

Average commission rates can vary a lot depending on your location. Find out how much the average commission is in your suburb compared to the state average commission rate, so you can get an idea on how much you'll be paying your real estate agent to sell your home.

How our agent comparison service works

You'll have everything you need to find the right agent, allowing you to compare their information side by side before having the first conversation - 100% free for homeowners.


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Review Real Estate Agents With LocalAgentFinder

LocalAgentFinder is the smarter way to find and compare real estate agents across Australia. Founded over 10 years ago, we are an industry-leading comparison service, designed for homeowners to connect with the best suited agent for their requirements.

With a more comprehensive collection of data than other real estate comparison sites, we provide a mutually beneficial platform for both the homeowner and the estate broker. Agent review data such as sales history, languages spoken, office locations, marketing strategies and much more; all on one easy-to-use website.

Discover A Wealth Of Information & Reviews About Your Local Estate Agents

Before selecting which agents to arrange a meeting with, we want homeowners to be fully informed of which agents are best suited to their individual requirements. After answering some basic questions about their property and criteria, our website filters to show completely unbiased agent results.

When choosing the best suited realtor, consider real estate agent ratings and statistics such as their agency introduction and marketing strategies. This information will provide you with an on-the-surface understanding of whether your ideas and values match the agents. Also, looking at the number of current listings that the individual has will show whether they realistically have time to fully commit to your property.

Our website also provides estate agent reviews from past customers. It is undeniable that these are influential in a homeowners decision of whether to work with the agent. Look for positive qualities such as regular, open communication, a pro-active approach and the ability to meet requirements.

LocalAgentFinder also has a blog page with tips and advice for sellers and renters. Educate yourself on various processes such as refinancing and home loan applications, and advertising costs when selling your house, as well as tips on how to improve your homes value and the best time of year to be selling. Knowledge is power so invest some time in yourself and make sure you fully understand the process.

Review real estate agent fees and commissions and compare these to the averages for your area as well as obtaining an approximate cost to sell your home with our online calculation tool.

We provide homeowners with all of the tools required to make clear comparisons and shape expectations for their property from day one. Use this information when interviewing each agent and expand on areas that are important to you. If you are focusing on a quick sale, question how long the agent thinks your property will take to sell, if the priority is a greater profit, spend more time on questions about the value of your home and how this could be improved. On our website, we have articles to help homeowners with conducting agent interviews.

Find Out More About Our Real Estate Agent Rating Comparison Website

Whatever your question, LocalAgentFinder has the answer. Understand the process and potential costs, find and compare agents, read honest real estate agent reviews and connect with the best suited professionals. A wealth of information is available on our website and is completely free for sellers to access.

Register your property online or speak to a member of our customer care team to get started.