Compare 53 real estate agents in Palm Beach, QLD 4221

53 agents in Palm Beach on our panel

There are 53 real estate agents in Palm Beach to compare at LocalAgentFinder. The average real estate agent commission rate is 2.57%. In Palm Beach over the last 12 months, there has been 478 properties sold, with an average sale price of $1,327,261. Properties in Palm Beach spend an average time of 43.27 days on the market.


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Knowing the agent's fees, commissions and performance in your suburb before you meet them puts you in a great position to negotiate. LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison platform, selling guide and agent questionnaire gives you access to this information and much more.

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Why use Local​Agent​Finder?

The tools to make an informed decision

As well as commission rates, you can compare an agent's sales history, performance data, marketing strategies and homeowner reviews - allowing you to make an informed decision beyond how much they charge.

A free service to homeowners

Our service is 100% free for homeowners, with no strings attached. We make our money by charging the agent after they have successfully sold or rented your home.

An agent-neutral service

Our comparison service is completely unbiased. We provide you with agents based solely on your property requirements and preferences and we charge all agents the same fee whether they are in metropolitan Sydney or country NSW.

A dedicated customer care team

We're not just an online search engine. We're real people who are dedicated to customer care. Our team is here to help. Call us on 133 033.

LocalAgentFinder's leading digital comparison service allows you to compare agent fees & commissions, agent bios, agency information, selling strategies, sales performance, reviews and more.

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Palm Beach

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Palm Beach, QLD 4221

Average days on market vs fastest agency in Palm Beach

Average time to sell property in Palm Beach, QLD 4221

Understanding how much selling your property will cost you is made easier with LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison service that provides you access to agent commission rates, marketing fees, unique selling strategies and more.

The most common type of property sold in Palm Beach are units with 51.88% of the market, followed by houses, townhouses, and land.

Current agents listings in Palm Beach

Current market listings in Palm Beach, QLD 4221

When you compare agents with LocalAgentFinder, you can compare 53 agents in Palm Beach, including their sales history, commission rates, marketing fees and independent homeowner reviews. We'll recommend the top three agents in Palm Beach, and provide you with your extended results set so you have the power to make an informed decision on choosing the right agent for your Palm Beach property sale. In Palm Beach, real estate agents have been ranked highly for skills and attributes such as Professional, Communicative, Ethical, Friendly, Outcome Driven, and Open Houses. We know this because we ask homeowners like you about their experience with real estate agents in Palm Beach.

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Real estate agent comparison

To access more information on agents in your suburb such as their commission rates and marketing strategies, you can use our online agent comparison tool by clicking below.

Free online property valuation

If you're after an online property value estimate for your property along with even more data on your suburb, you can use our online property valuation tool by clicking below.

Real estate marketing strategies often vary between agents, with different marketing campaign options available to promote the sale of your property. LocalAgentFinder enables you to compare marketing strategies, sales performance, fees and more.

Average commission rate in Palm Beach


National average commission rate in metro areas


National average commission rate in regional areas


Frequently Asked Questions

Real Estate Agents Available in Palm Beach

LocalAgentFinder is a modern-day Australian company that champions functionality, practicality, fairness and respect. We strive for excellence in all our aspects of our work and have developed what could be just a mere search engine into an interactive platform. Our comparison website helps people to build a working relationship, consumers and agents alike, so that they can achieve together. Our panel of real estate agents in Palm Beach, Gold Coast are complete with their profiles, extensively detailing the agency they belong to, their marketing methodology and performance data. By registering with our site, you are opening yourself up to the real world of real estate.

We’ve Devised a Fruitful Formula 

You may wonder, how we can run a comparison estate agents site with such an ample array of listings at no charge for our consumers? The way it all works is, it goes off a pay-on-success model. We receive a service fee from one of our agents when you connect with them and a sale goes through. So technically, all going to plan, everyone wins! You get the best agent for the job; the agents get to connect with homeowners and we get the necessary fees to continue offering our superb service.

We are a non-bias company, so the same fee applies to all our agents no matter where they are in Australia. This means that no agent can pay more to get more customer leads.

As you use our site to source out the most suitable agent to sell your home you might be contemplating commandeering the cheapest commission cost. However, at the LocalAgentFinder we’ll never lead you down the garden path on this. On the one hand, you of course must be financially frugal, bear in mind what you can afford and have a clear image of what sort of price you want to secure. However, on the other hand, a higher commission rate could reflect the agent’s superior experience, skill and mastery of the market. They may demand a slightly higher fee but the potential increase in the final offering price will be worth it.

The idea of our site is that we make these kinds of balancing acts easier by providing you with average commission rates alongside the agent’s performance history before you speak to the agent

Start Your Real Estate Journey with LocalAgentFinder

Are you ready to connect with some of the top real estate agents in Palm Beach who will help you to conquer the property industry? Do you seek the services of an esteemed engine of experts? Are you sick and tired of ringing round hearing half answers and waiting around for appointments? If so, visit our site for some much-needed concise clarity. Remember that our principal objective is to be marketplace matchmakers. We have worked long and hard to develop our system so that all involved come away feeling stress-free and successful.

If you’re interested in what we do and like the sound of how we can help you, don’t hesitate to check out our website and call us if you need any assistance. We have a form on our contact page too if you have any specific questions or concerns.