Compare 29 real estate agents in Alkimos, WA 6038

29 agents in Alkimos on our panel

There are 29 real estate agents in Alkimos to compare at LocalAgentFinder. The average real estate agent commission rate is 2.28%. In Alkimos over the last 12 months, there has been 370 properties sold, with an average sale price of $629,235. Properties in Alkimos spend an average time of 37.55 days on the market.


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Knowing the agent's fees, commissions and performance in your suburb before you meet them puts you in a great position to negotiate. LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison platform, selling guide and agent questionnaire gives you access to this information and much more.

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Why use Local​Agent​Finder?

The tools to make an informed decision

As well as commission rates, you can compare an agent's sales history, performance data, marketing strategies and homeowner reviews - allowing you to make an informed decision beyond how much they charge.

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Our service is 100% free for homeowners, with no strings attached. We make our money by charging the agent after they have successfully sold or rented your home.

An agent-neutral service

Our comparison service is completely unbiased. We provide you with agents based solely on your property requirements and preferences and we charge all agents the same fee whether they are in metropolitan Sydney or country NSW.

A dedicated customer care team

We're not just an online search engine. We're real people who are dedicated to customer care. Our team is here to help. Call us on 133 033.

LocalAgentFinder's leading digital comparison service allows you to compare agent fees & commissions, agent bios, agency information, selling strategies, sales performance, reviews and more.

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Alkimos

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Alkimos, WA 6038

Average days on market vs fastest agency in Alkimos

Average time to sell property in Alkimos, WA 6038

Understanding how much selling your property will cost you is made easier with LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison service that provides you access to agent commission rates, marketing fees, unique selling strategies and more.

The most common type of property sold in Alkimos are houses with 78.92% of the market, followed by land, townhouses, and units.

Current agents listings in Alkimos

Current market listings in Alkimos, WA 6038

When you compare agents with LocalAgentFinder, you can compare 29 agents in Alkimos, including their sales history, commission rates, marketing fees and independent homeowner reviews. We'll recommend the top three agents in Alkimos, and provide you with your extended results set so you have the power to make an informed decision on choosing the right agent for your Alkimos property sale.

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Real estate agent comparison

To access more information on agents in your suburb such as their commission rates and marketing strategies, you can use our online agent comparison tool by clicking below.

Free online property valuation

If you're after an online property value estimate for your property along with even more data on your suburb, you can use our online property valuation tool by clicking below.

Real estate marketing strategies often vary between agents, with different marketing campaign options available to promote the sale of your property. LocalAgentFinder enables you to compare marketing strategies, sales performance, fees and more.

Average commission rate in Alkimos


National average commission rate in metro areas


National average commission rate in regional areas


Frequently Asked Questions

Find Top Real Estate Agents In Alkimos

You’d be forgiven for thinking that a property in this astonishingly beautiful coastal suburb of Perth has enough charm and character to sell itself without too much help from a local Alkimos estate agent, but this is a mistake that has cost many homeowners a considerable portion of their home’s potential value upon selling.

It’s important to invest effort into searching for suitably experienced real estate agents in Alkimos to ensure you get the best outcome possible for the sale of your property. Finding an agent with local knowledge and experience selling in your area will give you the best chance of selling your house at the best price.

Experienced service providers with knowledge of your neighbourhood will benefit you when it comes to attracting buyers and encouraging good offers. So - if you own a beautiful home in breathtaking surroundings, you’ll want to ensure you’re being highly selective when choosing a real estate agent.

Luckily, you won’t have to track down detailed information about the property sales specialists in your area all by yourself! LocalAgentFinder is a platform that allows homeowners to quickly and easily search for estate agents near Alkimos, providing access to key stats for each that can be compared in a matter of minutes.

How LocalAgentFinder Helps You Comparing Estate Agents Throughout Alkimos

By simply registering your property on the LocalAgentFinder website, you’ll have access to key information that will enable you to compare a wide variety of property sales specialists - all of which are local to you. You can uncover data such as the average length of time for which each agent’s properties tend to remain on the market, the median sales commanded by their properties and the total number of sales they have made in the past.

What’s more, you’ll be able to read through agent biographies and even take a look at independent agent reviews and customer opinions with the help of our very own feedback platform, Homeowner Voice. And, when you make your connections, you’ll be privy to details of their fees and commissions as well as marketing strategies and costs.

All of these superb resources and more are available to homeowners for absolutely free.

LocalAgentFinder: Finding Your Ideal Estate Agent Near Alkimos Never Has Been So Easy

Because the Alkimos agents listed on our database pay us only when they successfully sell your property, we’re able to make LocalAgentFinder free for you.

It isn’t just our comparison tool that can be used without charge; we also provide handy calculators - one to work out agent commission and one to help you work out the likely overall costs involved in the sales process.

Furthermore, you can read up on the latest property sale hints and tips on our regularly updated blog, plus our Knowledge Centre enables you to study the real estate process in greater depth.

No Need To Wait - Find Your Real Estate Broker In Alkimos Today

LocalAgentFinder provides wonderfully comprehensive agent comparison data that will help you to find the right specialist in no time. Just enter your property’s address and all additional information required into the relevant fields on our main page and you’ll be able to see all the data you require straight away.

We think it’s best when comparing from our agent panel to select the best three or four real estate agents in Alkimos, in order to determine who you’d prefer to work with.