Compare 17 real estate agents in Kensington Grove, QLD 4341

Learn more about Kensington Grove agents

17 agents in Kensington Grove on our panel

There are 17 real estate agents in Kensington Grove to compare at LocalAgentFinder. The average real estate agent commission rate is 2.69%. In Kensington Grove over the last 12 months, there has been 38 properties sold, with an average sale price of $777,878. Properties in Kensington Grove spend an average time of 58.11 days on the market.


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Number sold


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Knowing the agent's fees, commissions and performance in your suburb before you meet them puts you in a great position to negotiate. LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison platform, selling guide and agent questionnaire gives you access to this information and much more.

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Why use Local​Agent​Finder?

The tools to make an informed decision

As well as commission rates, you can compare an agent's sales history, performance data, marketing strategies and homeowner reviews - allowing you to make an informed decision beyond how much they charge.

A free service to homeowners

Our service is 100% free for homeowners, with no strings attached. We make our money by charging the agent after they have successfully sold or rented your home.

An agent-neutral service

Our comparison service is completely unbiased. We provide you with agents based solely on your property requirements and preferences and we charge all agents the same fee whether they are in metropolitan Sydney or country NSW.

A dedicated customer care team

We're not just an online search engine. We're real people who are dedicated to customer care. Our team is here to help. Call us on 133 033.

LocalAgentFinder's leading digital comparison service allows you to compare agent fees & commissions, agent bios, agency information, selling strategies, sales performance, reviews and more.

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Kensington Grove

Average sales prices and volume of sales in Kensington Grove, QLD 4341

Average days on market vs fastest agency in Kensington Grove

Average time to sell property in Kensington Grove, QLD 4341

Understanding how much selling your property will cost you is made easier with LocalAgentFinder's leading online comparison service that provides you access to agent commission rates, marketing fees, unique selling strategies and more.

The most common type of property sold in Kensington Grove are houses with 89.47% of the market, followed by land.

Current agents listings in Kensington Grove

Current market listings in Kensington Grove, QLD 4341

When you compare agents with LocalAgentFinder, you can compare 17 agents in Kensington Grove, including their sales history, commission rates, marketing fees and independent homeowner reviews. We'll recommend the top three agents in Kensington Grove, and provide you with your extended results set so you have the power to make an informed decision on choosing the right agent for your Kensington Grove property sale.

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Real estate agent comparison

To access more information on agents in your suburb such as their commission rates and marketing strategies, you can use our online agent comparison tool by clicking below.

Free online property valuation

If you're after an online property value estimate for your property along with even more data on your suburb, you can use our online property valuation tool by clicking below.

Real estate marketing strategies often vary between agents, with different marketing campaign options available to promote the sale of your property. LocalAgentFinder enables you to compare marketing strategies, sales performance, fees and more.

Average commission rate in Kensington Grove


National average commission rate in metro areas


National average commission rate in regional areas


Frequently Asked Questions

Connect With Real Estate Agents In Kensington

Are you looking for estate agents in Kensington but aren’t sure where to begin? Anyone who has sold a property before will tell you that the process of finding the ‘right’ agent takes time, effort and can be extremely stressful. But what if it could be easier?

LocalAgentFinder is an online service that was created over 10 years ago with the aim of connecting homeowners with real estate agents to create smooth property sales. We put sellers in a position of knowledge before speaking with agents so no time is wasted by either party.

The days of scouring the internet and calling countless companies are a thing of the past. With our service, it only takes a few minutes to register your property and our agent panel will provide you with a wealth of information, such as agent reviews, for you to make comparisons, narrow down the search and select the real estate broker in Kensington that you would like to contact.

Compare Estate Agents In Kensington With LocalAgentFinder

We have the largest multitude of data than any other comparison website. As a result of agents registering with us, we are able to obtain a larger group of data that provides homeowners with more information and statistics than ever. Our comprehensive collection includes:

Performance data

We hold statistics that are specific to each Kensington's real estate agent, such as number of properties sold, average days on the market, median sale price and how many listings they currently have. This information is filtered to your property type to enable a stronger comparison.

Agency data

Behind an agent is the company that they work for. We have web pages that are dedicated to the agency themselves and homeowners can read through information such as an agency overview, marketing plans and office locations. All of this is written in the agency’s own words to give a better introduction to the company.

Homeowner reviews

Reading about the experiences of other sellers can be very important when choosing a realtor in Kensington. Reviews will give an accurate representation so sellers can see an unmasked side of what it has been like to work alongside the agent and their company.

Area data

LocalAgentFinder also holds data that is specific to your area such as number of properties sold in the last 12 months, average sale price and average commission rates across the agent panel. This ensures that homeowners can gain an understanding of how their property could compare and help to shape expectations when selling a house.

Register Your Property In Kensington With LocalAgentFinder & Find Your Ideal Estate Agent

We want to connect you, the homeowner, with the real estate agents in Kensington that are best suited to your needs. Whether you are prioritising a quick sale, high profit, low fees, good market knowledge, agent experience or a combination of all, our service is here to help. Our wealth of information is easy to access, unbiased, very informative and completely free for homeowners.

What are you waiting for? Register your property and begin your comparison today!